Service Name
Service Description
The section contains all e-Services related to applications for applying of birth certificate and reprint birth certificate.
The Registrar of Companies does not accept any responsibility or liability for:
- the accuracy of information or material on the Registrar of Companies Online Register
- the accuracy of the information that the applicant is submitting to the Registrar of Companies Office
- any loss you incur in connection with your use of these services, including any costs and expenses.

Service Name
Service Description
The section allows the search of entity records and purchase of entity information.
Please be informed that the bulk payment for 'Buy Information' is now available. For more information, please visit the FAQ for more information. Thank you.
Click on “Business Name” to view the related e-Services and click on “Apply” button to access respective e-Service.
Business Name means a name or style under which any business is carried on whether in partnership or otherwise, without the legal element. For example: “Grace Kava”.
An individual, firm(partners), a company or foreign company carrying on business in Fiji must register their business name in accordance with section 32 of the Companies Act 2015 (‘Act’).
The proposed name will be subject to name availability rule in schedule 1 of the Act.
Business Name means a name or style under which any business is carried on whether in partnership or otherwise, without the legal element. For example: “Grace Kava”.
An individual, firm(partners), a company or foreign company carrying on business in Fiji must register their business name in accordance with section 32 of the Companies Act 2015 (‘Act’).
The proposed name will be subject to name availability rule in schedule 1 of the Act.
Business Names are required to lodge renewals prior to the expiry date specified on the certificate.
Click on “Company” to view the related e-Services and click on “Apply” button to access respective e-Service.
A company formed and registered under Companies Act 2015. The following type of companies are:
(a) Private companies
(b) Public companies which include -
(i) companies limited by shares
(ii) companies limited by shares and guarantee
(iii) companies limited by guarantee
(iv) unlimited liability companies
A company formed and registered under Companies Act 2015. The following type of companies are:
(a) Private companies
(b) Public companies which include -
(i) companies limited by shares
(ii) companies limited by shares and guarantee
(iii) companies limited by guarantee
(iv) unlimited liability companies
Click on “Foreign Company” to view the related e-Services and click on “Apply” button to access respective e-Service.
A foreign company is a company that is incorporated outside Fiji and establishes a place of business within Fiji.
A foreign company is a company that is incorporated outside Fiji and establishes a place of business within Fiji.